


1. 意志坚定。

2. 在1978年或之后出生。

3. 固执。

4. 富有创造力,对於音乐、珠宝制作、诗词等有艺术天赋。

5. 倾向於容易上瘾。

6. 是个「老灵魂」,就像他们是13岁,可是却像43岁般。

7. 具直觉的或灵通的,或许有看见天使或已逝之人的经验。

8. 孤立者,透过挑衅的发泄行为或是脆弱的内缩。

9. 独立并引以为傲,即使他们持续地向你要求金钱。

10. 具有深层渴望的雄伟之志协助世界。

11. 在低自尊与自以为是之间摆汤。

12. 容易感到无聊。

13. 或许曾经被判为注意力缺乏症或注意力缺乏过动症。

14. 容易失眠,睡眠品质不佳,易作恶梦或难以入睡。

15. 有忧郁症的病史甚至曾有自杀的念头。

16. 寻求真实、深层与持久的友谊

17. 易与植物或动物有连结。









The Indigo Evolution

成年之后就是 Light Worker


Psychological characteristics of lightworkers:


From early on in their life, they feel they are different. More often than not they feel isolated from others,

lonely and misunderstood. They will often become individualists who will have to find their own unique

ways in life.



They have trouble feeling at home within traditional jobs and/or organization structures.

Lightworkers are naturally anti-authoritarian which means that they naturally resist decisions or values

based solely on power or hierarchy. This anti-authoritarian trait is present even if they seem timid and

shy. It is connected to the very essence of their mission here on earth.



Lightworkers feel drawn to helping people as a therapist or as a teacher. They may be psychologists,

healers, teachers, nurses, etc. Even if their profession is not about helping people in a direct manner,

the intent to contribute to the higher good of humanity is clearly present.



Their vision of life is colored by a spiritual sense of how all things are related together.

They consciously or subconsciously carry memories within them of non-earthly spheres of light.

They may occasionally feel homesick for these spheres and feel like a stranger on earth.



They deeply honor and respect life which often manifests as a fondness for animals and a concern for the

environment. The destruction of parts of the animal and vegetable kingdoms on earth by human doing

invokes deep feelings of loss and grief in them.



They are kind-hearted, sensitive and empathic. They may have trouble dealing with aggressive behavior

and they generally experience difficulties in standing up for themselves. They can be dreamy, naive or

highly idealistic, as well as insufficiently grounded, i.e. down-to-earth. Because they easily pick up

negative feelings and moods of people around them, it is important for them to spend time alone on a

regular basis. This enables them to distinguish between their own feelings and those of others. They

need solitary time to touch base with themselves and with mother earth.



They have lived many lives on earth in which they were deeply involved with spirituality and/or religion.

They were present in overwhelming numbers in the old religious orders of your past as monks, nuns,

hermits, psychics, witches, shamans, priests, priestesses, etc. They were the ones providing a bridge

between the visible and the invisible, between the daily context of earth life and the mysterious realms

of the afterlife, realms of God and the spirits of good and evil. For fulfilling this role, they were often

rejected and persecuted. Many of you were sentenced to the stake for the gifts you possessed. The

traumas of persecution left deep traces within your soul’s memory. This may presently manifest as a fear

of being fully grounded, i.e. a fear to be really present, because you remember being brutally attacked

for who you were.


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